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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Watermelon birthday cake

Make a cake out of your child's favorite food .. for my little Layla - its watermelon and lollipops.

Watermelon birthday cake

My little Layla loves watermelon, dislikes bread, & loves suckers.
So, I created a perfect birthday cake for her.
Sweet, healthy and fun - everyone loved it!

To make:

1.Get a large round watermelon that is perfectly ripe.
( hit the watermelon to make sure sounds hollow and look for those bee stings
that give the watermelon more sweetness)
2. Cut the watermelon in half horizontally.
3. Peel the skin off each half of watermelon. This is a method I learned while living 
in NYC, best way to cut a watermelon ... ever!
4. Choose which half looks like the best head for Mickey Mouse.
5. Stick in 2 suckers for ears.
6. Light the candles and ENJOY!
Happy Birthday

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